I just realized that I have only read about half of the books I own. That's not good. I've also realized that I should get my husband to build me another bookcase. The books lined up against the floorboards look like they could use a nice shelf to sit on.
However, I doubt that my husband would do anything to help my obsession right now. After bringing the 210th unread book into my house after a library used book sale he decreed that I could not buy another book until I read all the unread books on my bookshelves that he made for me.
This is not going to be easy for me. I can't smell a book without fantasizing about how comforting it will feel in my hands while I curl up underneath the covers, sipping on some English Breakfast and idly petting my cat, Bianca. I spend a lot of time in the real world; I live for my little trips to fantasy lands that have nothing to do with current events or small city drama.
But I believe I have a plan. First of all my husband didn't say anything about trading books. I am a member of PaperBackSwap.com. And technically speaking he shouldn't be mad about getting rid of one book to make room for another. And besides I've started to focus on trading for books I've already read but don't own yet.
Second, I can still peruse the stacks in the library. Just as long as I don't take any home. That could tied me over when I'm getting a hankering for fresh paper.
And thirdly, as much as I don't want to admit it, I will just have to sit down and start reading my way through my 210 unread books.
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